Classroom Reporter

11:33 am Enrichment, Grade 4, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Philippines, Photo Hunters, Sibika/Makabayan

I have been meaning to post at least a photo or a short article about the time the 4th grader did a reporting in front of the class. Yes, I was there to take photos! Such as I was there during his educational field trip as a chaperone.

Talk about being a mamarazzi huh?

Class reporter

The son wanted to use the laptop for his presentation for his report on Central Visayas but we said no, he has to do the traditional way. He was particularly proud to show their photos in Bohol, home province of hubby’s family where they sometimes spend summer vacations. Bohol is a part of his report.

The report went well I think. I sat at the back of the room and never uttered a word nor moved an inch since it was my son’s moment.

The children went ga-ga over the many souvenirs he gave away like key chains and bracelets. These were given to those who listened well and answered his questions correctly. The classmates also loved the food samples from these provinces that he distributed.

More photos on this soon. I hope.

One Response
  1. Treasure Jar » Low Tech Reporting :

    Date: February 15, 2011 @ 1:00 pm

    […] We didn’t have enough time to have poster printing so he had to write the important concepts in his report in several big brown papers called “Manila papers” which his classmates taped on the writing boards. See a blog post about the report here. […]