Weekend Project-Making

6:12 pm Enrichment, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Weekends, Younger Daughter

The youngest child’s class was asked to make a “backyard” consisting of a house, trees and ornamental plants.

We decided to use paper materials for this one. It was tempting to use toys of course because that would be easier to do and accomplish though not necessarily a better option because of the expenses it will occur.

We mostly used colored construction paper and scrapbook embellishments from Filstar which we bought from a nearby bookstore. Since I still have some embellishments for my handmade notepads, we only got what we needed for this project.



It was difficult at first to “see” how we like to have her backyard but eventually, after we brainstormed ideas and gathered materials we might need, we came up with a plan. I had no problem with the younger daughter accomplishing a lot, she is the artsy one who can do arts and crafts with very little supervision. She did a big chunk of the project herself including putting together the parts that make up the house.

Here is a glimpse of what we put in the backyard.

flower pots

More photos to be published soon. Photos and post published here.

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