
Artistic Expressions, Enrichment, Images, Weekends No Comments

Here is a pointillism project that my eldest child, a high schooler and the older sister to the younger daughter, did.


She worked hard on that project and used several pens. I think she finished it about two weeks before the due date. No time wasted as even if she watches the television at night when homework has been done, she worked on this slowly.

Backyard Project Using Paper Crafts

Artistic Expressions, Enrichment, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Weekends, Younger Daughter 1 Comment

A Science project about the environment: a house, trees and ornamental plants.

Sample house with a red roof and red door made by me. That is the younger daughter in the background making the paper house that we will use for the project. Click here for the pattern of the house.


Below are the daughter’s hands at work putting together the paper that will become a house:

how to put together a paper house

Initial design idea in the photo below. We lacked paper so the front floor of the porch is cut short, lol. That was the paper that we used for the houses. I needed to add that part because that was where the railings of the porch was attached.

initial idea

We decided to put up the trees after the daughter has cut the “leaves” or the green parts, the trunks and the wee fruits. I drew the design on the construction paper and she cut these out. Notice the lopsided roof, that was still unattached at this point.

second idea

Details are important to make this “imaginary” house and backyard seem real, hence the doghouse which very much looks like Blue’s Clues home, flowers that look real (some are made of fabric while the rest are embellishments) and trees at the back of the “property”. We then went on to put together the itty-bitty craft creations by pasting, using thumb tacks and using toothpicks for the flowers. Roof has not yet been glued.


Finally, after putting together the finished products: trees were attached to the trunks, fruits were pasted on the trees, roof was glued to the house, flower pots arranged neatly, doghouse glued near the entrance/gate and mini-fish pond added, we were all done. The mini-pond consisted of blue construction paper and its plastic container/cover glued on top to make it look like water. Daughter cut the fish while I made little rocks out of black construction paper scraps.

final design

Notice the China flag in the background: while I was putting together the details, the daughter made the China flag she will use for the United Nations’ Day parade.

We were done before 5pm even if we started before 9am. In between I had to cook lunch and wash the plates <- taken cared of by the eldest child. Tiring day it was but definitely worth all the effort.

Weekend Project-Making

Enrichment, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Weekends, Younger Daughter No Comments

The youngest child’s class was asked to make a “backyard” consisting of a house, trees and ornamental plants.

We decided to use paper materials for this one. It was tempting to use toys of course because that would be easier to do and accomplish though not necessarily a better option because of the expenses it will occur.

We mostly used colored construction paper and scrapbook embellishments from Filstar which we bought from a nearby bookstore. Since I still have some embellishments for my handmade notepads, we only got what we needed for this project.



It was difficult at first to “see” how we like to have her backyard but eventually, after we brainstormed ideas and gathered materials we might need, we came up with a plan. I had no problem with the younger daughter accomplishing a lot, she is the artsy one who can do arts and crafts with very little supervision. She did a big chunk of the project herself including putting together the parts that make up the house.

Here is a glimpse of what we put in the backyard.

flower pots

More photos to be published soon. Photos and post published here.

Scouting Movement

Enrichment, Grade 5 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Philippines, The Son, Weekends No Comments

Two Saturdays ago, our little Tenderfoot Scout had an all-day City-wide Scouting Movement with his fellow scouters from The Boy Scouts of the Philippines Quezon City Council.

Boy Scouts

The activities were held at the Quezon Memorial Circle and attended by many schools from Quezon City.

Parade of Colors

There was a parade of colors before the activities were given. The scouters played games, got acquainted and played more games.

It was a tiring but super fun activity not just for the scouters but for their families as well.


October 24 is United Nations Day

Enrichment, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Sibika/Makabayan, Younger Daughter No Comments

October 24 is United Nations Day.

I’m so glad we go to a school that supports this special day. If truth be told, I am disappointed with schools that celebrate Halloween but NOT United Nations Day. Harrumph.

Here is a photo of the younger daughter with her classmates all dressed up with the country of their choice.

United Nations Day 2011

She chose China. The husband at first suggested that we get her a Chinese dress but the daughter insisted we should not buy: RECYCLE was the teacher’s tall order.

We had her wear the husband’s red silk Chinese polo (am thankful we still had this in the closet), with the long sleeves rolled up and a belt to make it look smaller than it actually is. Black leggings and her school shoes that look like the traditional Mary Jane Chinese shoes completed the get-up along with a long white scarf and a bond paper with the word China stapled on it to make it look like a sash.

The children were asked to bring food that represent the country they chose.  We brought shumai or siomai for the class while others brought a lot of different food.

Paper House and Paper Tree

Artistic Expressions, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Science, Weekends, Younger Daughter 1 Comment

The youngest daughter’s weekend project consists of making a house and backyard with lots of trees and flowers.

I was able to get a lot of ideas in the web when I searched for patterns. In the afternoon I tried to do a house and a tree.

The daughter loved it! She can’t wait for the print outs for the detailed outline so she can make her own.

Here’s what I made: presenting my low-cost housing unit and a tree, ta-da!

Paper house and Paper tree

The youngest daughter enjoyed “decorating” the outside walls of the house when they came home from school:

Paper House

I “copied” this pattern but I used my own measurement. For the 4th wall, I had difficulty adjusting it to be able to get a square. I obviously ran out of paper which made the house pink in front and white on the sides and back.

Am excited to get more supplies at the bookstore for this project. Can’t wait for tomorrow to come 😀

LunchBox Filler: Spring Rolls

From the Teacher, Homeschoolers No More, Images, LunchBox Fillers, The Son, Younger Daughter 5 Comments

Spring rolls with ground chicken, finely chopped carrots, red bell peppers, onions and garlic served with tomato ketchup served in a sunny yellow lunch box with a yellow Bento Japanese toothpick:

Spring Rolls

If I remember it right, these were for breakfast, not for lunch. The kids arrive at school early and have time for breakfast. They don’t have enough time for a leisurely breakfast in the morning before the school bus arrives so they bring their breakfast to school.

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