Back to School After the Holidays

9:08 am From the Teacher

It’s back to school tomorrow for the children. It is doubly hard to prep them to go back to the routine after the holidays. I had to find ways to make them go to bed after 8:30am two nights before classes started.

Here are some ways we prepared before going back to school after the holidays:

  • go to bed at the same time they are used to when there are classes. For us it was between 8pm – 8:30pm. Do this even if they don’t feel sleepy yet.
  • Wake them up earlier than the time they usually wake up. For us, wake up call was around 8am which is kinds late because they usually wake up at 5am during school days.
  • Have them prepare their school things a day or two before going back to school.

I will see how they will be tomorrow. For now, we will just enjoy the last day of our holiday break 🙂

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