The Listening Checklist
April 3, 2011 5:22 pm Enrichment, From the TeacherHow often have you heard yourself say to others: “Are you listening to what I’m saying?” or maybe you hear yourself mutter: “She/He didn’t understand/hear a word I said”.
For parents, they usually hear their children’s teachers say “If only the child is able to listen well, he’ll do better”.
Below are characteristics to see if your child has a listening problem:
- short attention span
- easily distracted
- oversensitivity to sound(s)
- misinterprets questions
- confuses similar-sounding words
- frequent need for repetition
- inability to follow sequential instructions
- flat and monotonous voice
- hesitant speech
- weak vocabulary
- poor sentence structure
- confusion or reversal of letters
- poor reading comprehension
- poor in reading aloud
- poor in spelling
- poor posture
- fidgety behavior
- clumsy, uncoordinated movements
- poor sense of rhythm
- messy handwriting
- disorganized
- confuses left and right
- poor sport skills
- difficulty getting up in the morning
- easily fatigued
- habit of procrastinating
- hyperactivity
- depressed
- feeling overburdened with everyday tasks
- low frustration tolerance
- poor self-confidence
- poor self-image
- shyness
- difficulty making friends
- tendency to withdraw
- irritability
- immaturity
- low motivation in school
- negative attitude towards work
Listening checklist from Tomatis Method.