
From the Teacher, Homeschoolers No More, The Son No Comments

Congratulations to the son and his team, consisting of 4 students from Grade 4 -7 for winning  first place in this school year’s Math Quiz Bee.

He is also one of the finalists to his grade level’s Science Quiz Bee happening next month.


Grade 3 Science Reviewer: Force

Enrichment, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Reviewers, Science, Weekends No Comments


  1. _________ is a push or pull
  2. ________ is moving air
  3. _________ water is also a force
  4. _________ is the force that pulls all objects toward the earth

Click here for more of the Grade 3 Science reviewer: Force

Grade3 Reviewer for Energy and Light

Enrichment, From the Teacher, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Reviewers, Science, Weekends No Comments


  1. __________ is the ability to do work
  2. Examples of sources of heat and light energy sources: _________ and _________
  3. ________________ is the heat and light from the sun



Click here for the reviewer.Grade 3 Science reviewer: Energy and Light

New Pixar Movie: Brave

Enrichment, From the Teacher No Comments

Brave movie from Pixar seems like a good one, action-packed and inspiring. Watch the trailer here:

Brave opens in US theatres June 22, 2012.

Like Brave on Facebook.

Fish Feeding

Enrichment, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Younger Daughter 5 Comments

Fish feeding children during a rainy field trip (another wet/rain entry) who do not seem to mind the drizzle that came before they boarded that raft. The field trip chaperones were just glad that this was a roofed raft because it afforded protection from the elements:

Fish Feeding

Some photos from this field: yellow flower, orange flower, and rainy field trip posts.

Two Paper Houses

Artistic Expressions, Grade 3 Lessons, Homeschoolers No More, Images, Photo Hunters, Weekends, Younger Daughter 6 Comments

Two paper houses that I made as models for the younger daughter’s Science project about backyard setting and decorative plants. We decided to do 99% paper crafts for this one:

two paper houses

In case you are interested, here is a link to some steps we did to make the project.


Artistic Expressions, Enrichment, Images, Weekends No Comments

Here is a pointillism project that my eldest child, a high schooler and the older sister to the younger daughter, did.


She worked hard on that project and used several pens. I think she finished it about two weeks before the due date. No time wasted as even if she watches the television at night when homework has been done, she worked on this slowly.

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